Wednesday, April 29, 2009

"Eggs"iting Easter

It has taken me awhile to finish my Easter post because I had so many fun pictures.  So forgive me for the long post but it was a fun filled day!
Easter is one of my favorite holidays.  I love our families Easter traditions.  I was sad that I missed out on the annual egg coloring on Friday night because I was down in Provo buying a new car.  I headed to my parents early Saturday morning so I didn't miss out on any of the other festivities.  I love helping hide the eggs and even more I love helping my nieces and nephews find them.  I asked all of my nieces and nephews who wanted me to help them because I am so good at it and Ella was the first to raise her hand.  Chloe also wanted to ditch her mom and have me help her, have I mentioned before that I am the coolest Aunt:).  
Here's the crew waiting so patiently for the hunt to begin!
I love this picture of Ella pointing out the egg in the tree, we made a great egg hunting team.  Her basket was so full the handle broke.

I asked Chloe why she was laying down and she said she needed to take a little rest.  This egg hunting was hard work for her!

This picture is classic.  Tyce already knows how to torture his big sister.

After the egg hunt at my parents we always head up to Utah State to roll eggs down Old Main and have a picnic on the hill.  

Kara made my egg for me this year, hence the Mo-stink.  It survived a trip or two down the hill.

It's always fun having JoAnn, Jenna, and Kristie with us, too bad more of the family doesn't come up anymore.

I love the view of Cache Valley from Old Main.

We also had a little birthday party for Tyce on Old Main.  He turned 1 and it was really fun to watch him devour his cake.  Probably one of the best one year old cake eating frenzies that I've seen. Great job on the cake decorating Kara and Mike.

After we left Old Main we went over to visit Grandma and Grandpa it was fun to spend some time with them.  I really need to go visit them more often.  I miss the good old days of hanging out at Grandma and Grandpa's with all of my cousins.  It's hard to do that now that everyone's families are getting so big and we each do our own celebrations.

I really wanted to go bowling on my birthday but it didn't work out so we moved it to Saturday.  It was a great way to end our fun day of Easter activities. Jenna pretty much beat all of us (Mike was just a few ahead of her), I think she bowled a 132 or something.  Way to go Jenna!  I had a terrible game.  I guess that's what I get for bragging about my mad bowling skills. My nieces showed me up.  I'd like to say that my broken back may have impaired my bowling form, at least it sounds like a good excuse.  How else can I explain losing to a 4 and 5 year old:) 

Taya and Tyce in their cute Easter get up on Sunday

Me, my mom, and Taya decked out in our pink for Easter Sunday, Kara apparently didn't get the memo.

I walked into the room where Tyce was taking a nap and this is how I found him sleeping in the pack and play.  How can a kid sleep like that? A couple days later I caught him sleeping in the same position. 

Grandma and Grandpa came over to my parents for Easter dinner.  Grandma was helping make deviled eggs but Taya was having a really hard time letting all of her pretty eggs go.  She was pretty emotional about it.  She would not let us roll them down Old Main the day before and if you touched one of her pretty eggs she would freak out.  She gets pretty bossy sometimes. Kara made a compromise with her that they could take a picture of her favorite ones.  She had a lot of favorites! I can't figure out why Kara wouldn't let Taya keep just a couple:)


Mrs. Budge said...

Thanks for updating for me. I'm just going to put on my blog "refer to the Just a little Mo blog" thanks! I don't have time for blogging these days.

Mrs. Budge said...

Thanks for updating for me. I'm just going to put on my blog "refer to the Just a little Mo blog" thanks! I don't have time for blogging these days.