Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Girls Weekend in Park City

I love being able to celebrate my birthday during the entire month of April.  Last weekend I went to Park City with the greatest group of girls.  Three of us have birthdays in April so our awesome friend Kimi planned a fun weekend in Park City.

The night began at the Hapa Grill where we enjoyed Sushi and Utah's Best Hamburgers (it's been voted on), if you ask me that's a random combination but it was delicious.  As you might imagine a night out with 8 awesome single girls could get a little crazy.   

We bet Haylie $25 to eat a heaping spoonful of ketchup (she hates ketchup by the way and just the smell of it makes her ill).  She handled it like a champ!

We had a pretty cute waiter so we decided to leave him an extra tip by giving him all of our numbers.  Lucky guy, how many guys out there can get 8 numbers in a night without even asking for them!  That started a chain of events that was hilarious.  Needless to say I felt like I was 14 again.  
Next stop was to our favorite Cold Stone in Park City.  We came to this Cold Stone hoping to find our buddies again who sang aggressive heavy metal to us last time we were in Park City for Sundance.  Just our luck they were working.  They not only gave us a sampling of some delicious Ice Cream but also another sampling of aggressive heavy metal.  There group name is Devil Dethroned. 'nuff said.  Check them out next time you're in PC, it is entertaining to say the least.  My favorite comment was from another customer in the store who asked if there mother had heard them sing. Or should I say scream.  
We then headed to the condo we had rented for the night for more fun.  You know, the stuff girls typically do at a sleepover, pillow fights, manicures, facials, boy talk, etc. Just Kidding we did none of those things, ok maybe only one of those things. 
Here are the 3 birthday girls: Kelli, Jessie, and myself.

So at about 3 am Kelli realized she forgot her toothbrush which warranted a trip to the gas station in the middle of the night. You know there are bound to be some crazy stories from going to a a gas station at 3 am. Unfortunately, I can't mention them on my blog.  I've been sworn to secrecy.  The snow was coming down pretty hard, gotta love the unpredictable spring weather in Utah.  As we pulled up to the gas station the lady working was sitting out in her car smoking.  I really wish I had taken a picture of her, she was classic.  She looked about 90 even though I am sure she is in her late 50's.  Her face was so wrinkled and sunken in, not to mention she had no teeth.  I guess that's what you get when you smoke a couple packs a day. Alli does a great impression of her.  She gave us some pretty crazy advice. I think we gave her the wrong impression about us, I can't imagine how that happened:)
I always love a night out with the ladies!  Thanks Kimbi for arranging it! 
Great memories were made.

  Oh I also need to give another shout out to Kimbi.  On one of my previous posts about my birthday party that Kelli had thrown for me I forgot to mention that Kimi also helped bake all of those wonderful cupcakes.  Unfortunately she chose Brittney Spears over me that night so I forgot to thank her for all her hard work.  I'm so grateful for some really awesome friends.  


Alli said...

Love the description of the best night ever! I need to get your pics too!

Fantastic Five said...

Be grateful that you have really awesome friends who like to take a lot of pictures with you!!! :)

Mrs. Budge said...

You guys are nuts! I'd say grow up but what fun would that be?

Anonymous said... heart is warm! I guess now is a good as time as any to tell you - you really blew it before but you totally redeemed yourself in this jewel of a post! Whew - lucky Mo!