Monday, July 20, 2009

Palm Springs

Brace yourself for a super long post about my Memorial Weekend in Palm Springs. What can I say I take a lot of pictures and it was a fun trip. I want to make sure that none of you miss out on the details of the weekend events. We made some good memories!

For Memorial Weekend I went to Palm Springs with the Girls. I seriously love this group of friends! We have so much fun together. Elissa was so nice to let all of us go stay at her family's place where her Grandma used to live. We were all excited for some sun and a whole lot of relaxing! We thought we might find us all a sugar daddy as well, but no luck. It was a great kickoff to the summer. We flew into Long Beach on Friday May 22nd rented some cars and drove to Palm Springs.
9 girls means a lot of luggage and we only had 2 cars so we were having a tricky time trying to get all of it in the trunk. I think we rearranged things at least a dozen times. Kimi decided just to climb in to get things to fit better.

Once in Palm Springs we had lunch at a great little Italian restaurant.

After lunch and some grocery shopping to stock up on some good treats and a few other things to eat we headed back to the condo. I put my swimsuit on and thought I would head out to the pool with the crew but I also had to finish a statistics assignment that was due on Saturday. I realized quickly that I couldn't see the screen on my laptop pool side so I ended up staying inside to work on it. This was the biggest downer of the trip for me. It was brutal doing homework and having to ignore the pool and fun until it was finished. I did take a little nap in between but I seriously worked on it the rest of the afternoon, evening, and early into Saturday morning. I felt like the biggest loser doing homework and missing out on the fun conversations in the other room. I was determined to finish it so it wouldn't ruin any more of my trip and so I could enjoy the day Saturday. I finally wrapped up my assignment at 4 AM! It was torture and it was only the second assignment in the class so I was still really struggling figuring out some of the basics of statistics. Luckily I did end up doing really well on the assignment but it obviously took me a LONG time.

When I was looking for blankets in the closet I found this awesome thing. I guess it is a sleeping bag, kind of cute and creepy. So Jessie saran wrapped it on herself and decided to scare the girls in the other room while they were sleeping. It didn't even phase them apparently. She came in and gave me a good laugh while I was working on my assignment.

This is where we spent a lot of time on our trip. We started early on Saturday relaxing at the pool. It was fantastic!

After a long day lounging at the pool we went shopping and to dinner. I love how Kimi tries things on at the store. Who needs dressing rooms anyway? We both bought cute sundresses at this store.

Our shopping trip was obviously a success. We all left with about 3 bags each. I'd like to say we are doing our part to help boost the economy.

Dinner at the Daily Grill was exciting. We sat out on the patio and witnessed a drunk couple getting out of a cab and getting into an argument. He seemed like a huge jerk and she was pretty wasted. They were oblivious to all of the diners at the restaurant that were staring at them. They gave us all a good show. I guess that is one reason not to get drunk:) We also learned not to put Kelli in charge of figuring out the bill. I think she was trying to get more money out of all of us:) Love ya Kell Bell!

On Sunday we hit up the swap meet. We found some awesome stuff but made very few purchases. I was really tempted to buy this hair piece.
It was incredibly hot so we enjoyed a little frozen lemonade. Notice Kelli's awesome silver sequinned fanny pack, compliments of Elissa's grandma.

Some day we might have to start a red hat society, at least we know where we can pick up some great hats.
Elissa's looking Hot.

Kimi found true love with the parking lot shuttle driver. Isn't he a Hotty! There wasn't a lot of single guys our age around to choose from.

After the swap meet we went back to the condo to get ready for church. We found the singles branch and went to Sacrament. Wow did we make an appearance. I am pretty sure we doubled there numbers that day. We were hoping to find some quality guys to invite over for a BBQ the next day but unfortunately there were hardly any guys there and most of them were quite young, pre-mission and fresh off the mission age. Everyone was so nice to us and several people came over to greet us. The best part was that we were invited to be part of the program with a special musical number. We sang Love One Another with the Relief Society. The bishop thought it was so beautiful that he asked us to sing it again. I think there were 4 girls from the ward and 9 of us.

After church I decided to head out to the pool to do some reading and relaxing all by myself. When I came back inside this is what I found on the sliding door. Sorry it might not be the most appropriate thing to post but it was too funny not to. These girls were quite creative with some magazines and a bra. Such details.
I think they're just jealous:)

For dinner on Sunday night we went to Don Diegos. Haylie and I had to get a picture with Don.

While at the swap meet Kelli, Alli, and I picked up these sweet "Wuff" t-shirts. I have always made fun of shirts, blankets, and stuff that have things like this on it (really anything with wildlife, kitties, puppies, native american stuff, etc.). Kelli and Alli also share these feelings and think they are creepy. They have become quite obsessed with "Wuff" stuff lately. There was a booth at the swap meet that was classic with all of the kinds of shirts I described above. We hit the jackpot. It was hard to choose which shirt to get. I chose mine because it had all of the classic wildlife: a bald eagle, bear, deer, and of course a wolf. Alli's was great with the dreamweaver and Kelli's with all of the wolf faces. They don't get much better than this. Alli and Kelli had the guy selling the shirts so confused about how to pronounce wolf, he obviously doesn't know the correct way of saying "wuff".
We had to show our appreciation for our find by howling to the moon!

Here is a photo shoot of the crew:
Myself sometimes referred to as "Mo Money"


Missy aka "Masty"

Kimi or Kimbi or Cob





Kelli dubbed my little brother

Each night we would go for a walk around the condo's/golf course. Seriously we had to do something a little active after all the lounging and treat devouring. It really became more like a parade each night. Palm Springs was pretty dead but we didn't mind because we are our own entertainment.
I was so excited to take the cruiser bike for a spin one night during the walk/parade.
I was nice and let Kimbi have a turn.
We even held a speed walking competiton. I was the referee because I was on the bike.
Here are the champions.
The Losers

My favorite thing was the Golf Cart. Golf Carts are pretty much the main mode of transportation in Palm Springs. I had no idea that they made custom golf carts, apparently that's the thing around there. Elissa's grandma's golf cart matched her car. Isn't it AWESOME! I don't think I've ever driven a golf cart so it was fun to take it out for a Sunday Drive. The Golf Cart also became a part of the nightly walks so we could play music and have a little spotlight for all of the dancing/marching in the parade.

Kelli taught everyone the USU fight song actions since she cheered at USU. I was bummed that I was on the bike, I've always wanted to know them:)! I guess she'll have to give me my own personal lesson one day. Hey what is a parade if you don't have some marching group.

Of course we practiced our Toyota Jumps.
and our heel click jumps.

Elissa, Jenny, Kelli and I were pretty stoked to show off our cheerleading stunting skills. I'm glad I've still got the skills. I should since I've coached cheerleaders the last three years but I never stunt with them so it was fun to try it out with Kelli. We got her up first time. She wouldn't let us try a lib or a basket toss. What a chicken, doesn't she trust us? It's not like we were on pavement or anything that could seriously hurt her if we dropped her.

One night we played a pretty random game. Some of these girls come up with some strange ideas sometimes. I was pretty skeptical at first and was making fun of it but it was pretty funny in the end. We were each supposed to bring pictures of boys we've dated or kissed and then we tried to match up which one of us dated/kissed which guy. Hey you can't go on a girls trip without having a little boy talk right. A couple girls sure get around a lot, I won't mention any names:)

Here are a couple pictures from the pool. I was forbidden to post some of the pictures. Too bad because I had some awesome pictures. Sorry about swimsuit pictures of myself.
We each bought a raft at the local store. Thanks to whoever got us a sweet deal. I think the price was marked wrong but we made sure that we got the best deal.
A fun game of jumping onto our rafts stacked up
I was sad to fly home on Monday evening a day before the others but I couldn't miss another day of work. Once again being responsible gets in the way of my fun. Oh well I did pick up a really great tan to start the summer off right.

I can't wait to go back and look forward to many more trips with these gals!!! Thanks again Elissa!


Alli said... the posts. I forgot about some of the funny things that happened on that trip! Was I one of those girls that got around???

Anonymous said...

I've talked to my homeboy at the fair twice since we left...pretty sure he might get a bus ticket soon!