Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Blogging Marathon

I finally have updated my blog. It seriously has taken me two days to post everything that I wanted to. I had things from the beginning of May that I wanted to post about. I've got to be better at blogging more frequently. So if you're interested then grab a snack and read about the last few months of my life. I thought I would have updated long before now but I have been pretty lazy this summer and haven't accomplished much of anything that I wanted to yet. I have had a little retreat in Logan the last few weeks. It's nice to spend time at home with my parents in Cache Valley. I feel like when I go home it is a little escape from reality and a sort of safe haven from the responsibilities and pressures I feel from time to time in my life. Some of you may have noticed that I don't answer my phone or respond to messages very well while I am there. At least I was able to read several good books, see a few movies, hang out with my family, including lots of niece and nephew time, see all of my grandparents quite a bit, and definitely slept in way too late. I even spent an early morning at the emergency room in the hospital, but i'll post about that later. Summer is quickly escaping and I hate that the time is going so fast!
I might as well change my blog to represent my whole family since I am pretty well the family photographer. I do like to take a lot of pictures and I have had fun documenting my life this way. Hopefully it will become a good journal/scrapbook since I don't do either of those things very well.


Suzy Tranter said...

Welcome back to blogging...we have missed you! Looks like you have been crazy busy but we do need to get together asap! I miss you ladies...I haven't seen you guys in forever!

Mrs. Budge said...

Thanks for keeping up on my blogging responsibilities. We love you!

Fantastic Five said...

I love it! All of it! You rock!